Saturday 5 September 2015

Buhari’s modest assets shocking

Nigerians yesterday expressed shock at the lean nature of the assets of President Muhammadu Buhari, which he made public on Thursday.
The assets declared by the President included a sum less than N30 million, one Union Bank account, Shares in Berger Paints, Union Bank and Skye Bank, five homes in Daura, Kaduna and Abuja, and two plots of land in Kano and Port Harcourt.

Other assets declared by the President included farms, an orchard and a ranch; 270 herds of cattle, 25 sheep, five horses, birds and trees, as well as cars, two of which he bought from his savings while the others were supplied to him by the Federal Government as a former Head of State.
Retired Catholic Archbishop of Lagos State, Anthony Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie, expressed surprise at the modest size of President Buhari’s assets and commended the sincerity of the President and his deputy in keeping to their promise to make their assets public.
He called on other public office holders in the country to emulate them and declare their assets.
Okogie said: “I am surprised the President’s assets are so low. The Vice President’s own is understandable because he is a man of many parts who is entitled to the fruits of his labour.
“Their sincerity in keeping to their promises is commendable. It is a good way to begin, as it would go a long way in disabusing the minds of the people.
“It is important that other public office holders follow suit. They should also declare their assets now and when they are leaving.
“Something needs to be done about the remuneration of public office holders if we really want to clean up the country.”
In a different interview with one of our correspondents, Chief Niyi Akintola, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) said he was excited at the President’s declaration.
He said the actions of the President and his deputy made him proud to be a Nigerian and expressed pleasant shock at the size of the President’s assets.
Akintola said: “It made me feel very proud to be a Nigerian. He is a rare Nigerian and I think there is even something that is not Nigerian about him.
“When I saw the list of his assets, I had to clean my eyes to be sure that I was seeing the right thing. After all the positions he had held in the country, it was amazing that all he had was a paltry sum of N30 million. This means that an ordinary councillor is richer than he is.
“Although he is a Muslim, I can say that he is a saint as Christians would describe people of impeccable character.
“Other public office holders should follow his example. Though the law did not mandate them to declare their assets publicly, they should have the moral compulsion to do so.
“I also hope the social media would mount pressure on them to do so as they did before now. “
Birds of a feather
Foremost jurist and head of the Presidential Advisory Committee against Corruption, Prof. Itse Sagay, described the asset declaration as a testimony that the President and the Vice President are transparent, describing them as two people of the same mould.
He said: “They have shown what it means to be honest men with integrity. They have by their action shown the whole world that they are capable of sanitising the rot in the system.
“Other public office holders should not hesitate to publicly declare theirs. If you are not a crook, you will not have problems declaring your assets.
“They must let us know what they have and how they acquired them. That is what asset declaration is all about.
“The implication of Buhari and Osinbajo’s gesture is that anyone who fails to declare his asset would be under suspicion.
“Therefore, it is good that every public office holder declares his assets publicly.”
Former Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Alhaji AbubakarTsav (rtd) described the declaration of assets by the President and his deputy as a good development, adding that the duo have shown that they are honest.
“It is a very good development. They have shown Nigerians their honesty and I am sure they don’t have more than what they have declared.
“Thirty million naira is paltry for somebody that has held many top public offices.
“Other public office holders should also declare theirs honestly.
“They must be honest and not try to hide some of their assets in their wives and families’ names.
“They should declare exactly what they have written in their will.”
Tsav described as unfortunate the situation where many go into public office poor and came out rich, adding that many people come out during the day to condemn corruption but get involved in it at night.
“We don’t need such people anymore and it is obvious the Buhari administration would not spare them,” he said.
Ohanaeze, Arewa, Middle Belt youths hail action
The President of Arewa Consultative Youth Forum, Comrade Shetima Yerima, described the assets declaration as a welcome development, saying: “If other public office holders don’t follow their examples, then, they would have fallen short of our expectations and not likely to deliver on the promises they have made to us.
“The truth is that many of the public office holders have skeletons in their cupboard and may not want to declare their assets. But we will compel them to do that by the way of protesting locally and internationally.
“We would make efforts to make the National Assembly members to amend the constitution to make it compulsory for public office holders to publicly declare their assets.”
In the same vein, the National Leader of the All Middle Belt Youth Forum, Comrade Aluh Moses Odeh, said the lean assets declared by the President shows that he truly belongs to the masses.
He said: “What the Vice President also declared was okay, considering his pedigree. With what they have done, Nigerians will be looking forward to more good things from them.
“We want to use this opportunity to call on all public office holders in the Middle Belt and Nigeria as a whole to immediately declare their assets publicly.
“There would be close monitoring of all the public office holders in the zone henceforth. We would stop at nothing, legally speaking, to compel them to declare their assets publicly too.”
Eulogising the gesture, the National Leader of Ohanaeze Youth Council, Mazi Okechukwu Isiguzoro, said the President and the Vice President deserve commendation for their gestures.
He urged other public office holders to emulate them.
Isiguzoro said: “President Buhari and Osinbajo have demonstrated a rare feat. They have become the light for the nation and others need to walk in this light.
“It would amount to a rape on the people if others fail to declare theirs. As a group that is committed to holding leaders accountable and committed to their promises, we would not sleep or slumber until every public office holder in the South East and the entire country make their assets public.
“We are keen on supporting the President to bring about a new Nigeria that would be beneficial to all.”
Phenomenal act
Former Chairman, Senate Committee on Environment, Senator Grace Bent, commended President Buhari for publicly declaring his assets, describing it as phenomenal and commendable.
She said: “It is a phenomenal action. It is remarkable and highly commendable, because in a long while, Nigeria has not had its number one citizen coming out to do that. I think President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua did such.
“For whatever it may worth, the President has made true his promise that he would make a public declaration of his assets. However, it is necessary that every other public officer follows the cue.
“It should not just be a matter of the President and Vice President alone. It should be a matter of all our leaders showing leadership by example, especially if they are sure that they do not have something to hide.
This is an era of governance by transparency. It is government of accountability and we now have a government through which citizens’ hope is being rekindled.
“I want us all to give kudos to Mr. President and the Vice President for daring to do this. It is a very good omen for Nigeria and now, we have high hopes that very soon, things will begin to take shape.”
Barrister Festus Okoye, former Chairman of Nigerian Bar Association (Kaduna State Chapter) and former Head of Transition Monitoring group (TMG), described the declaration as part of the necessary steps to building the confidence of the people.
“I think that the declaration is part of what is required in building confidence in the Nigerian people. It shows that they have leaders who have the capacity to keep to their words.
“It is also important for purposes of transparency and accountability. We also hope that the President will get every other political appointee to toe the same line and make their asset declaration a public one.
“I think that the time has come in the history of this country when people must account for their actions and also live by their own words. I believe that it is a very positive thing and we should all commend the President and Vice President for that.”
SERAP, others commend action
Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) yesterday described President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo’s public declaration of their assets as the dawn of a new era in accountability and transparency in Nigeria.
In a statement it issued in Lagos yesterday, SERAP urged President Muhammadu Buhari to urgently take measures to seek amendment of the law relating to declaration of assets.
It advised that such amendment should include public disclosure, so as to bring it in line with international standards and best practices such as the UN Convention against Corruption.
The organisation noted that the public declaration of President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo has turned the page on transparency and accountability in Nigeria.
It said: “Compared to former President Goodluck Jonathan who notoriously failed to publish his asset declaration despite repeated demands by Nigerians, both Buhari and Osinbajo have shown by publicly declaring their assets that transparency doesn’t take years to achieve.
“Nigerians will now be able to use the assets published as a baseline and thus means for comparison at the end of the term of this government.”
The organisation also urged the Buhari government to also publish asset declarations of their senior officials and ministers once appointed.
It urged the Buhari government to also publish asset declarations of their senior officials and ministers once appointed.
“SERAP hopes that this publication of asset declarations will translate into real reform of the legal and institutional frameworks established to fight corruption and good governance as well as greater respect for human rights, including socio-economic rights of Nigerians such as the rights to food, to health, education and adequate housing, and thus improved quality of life for ordinary citizens,” it said.
Pro-democracy campaigner and President, Nigeria Voters Assembly, Comrade Mashood Erubami, hailed President Buhari and Vice President Osinbajo’s decision to publicise their assets, describing it as a demonstration of leadership by example.
He also described the public declaration of their assets as a good lesson for others in how political office holders should earn their living.  Erubami, in a statement in Ibadan yesterday, said: “This is a practical demonstration of quintessential leadership by example which will leave no one in doubt about the commitment of the Buhari/Osinbajo administration to govern transparently and be accountable to Nigerians before and after office.
“With the declaration by the President and the example laid by his deputy, it will be difficult to allow secrete disclosure of assets as was the case with former President Jonathan. “At the same time, nobody will be spared from not declaring his or her assets in accordance with the law of the land.
“The modest assets declared is a good lesson for others in how political office holder should earn their living in office. The President is a former office holder who never reached the billion mark, unlike lesser personalities, and this should be a lesson to be learned by all.”

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